A leather bag containing dirt from five continents next to a flower bouquet

From Venice to Taklamakan

Ever since their ancient origins and besides their commercial and military specificity, Via Ignatia (connecting Durres in Albania to Istanbul ) and the Silk Road have always been axis of exchange of culture and knowledge amongst peoples and civilizations over the European and the Asian continents. It is precisely this aspect that we want to emphasize during our adventure. By choosing to follow these two roads on foot, we assess the priority of sharing and exchange over commerce and conquest.

We shall symbolically leave from Venice, the city from where Marco Polo and his father and uncle left in 1272.

On foot and only on foot!
As we want to get closer to the earth and people, we consider walking as the natural way of communication between people.
Going slowly inspires confidence and kindness.

A genuine sports challenge!
We walk almost 7,000 km, for 2 years, over (almost!) all geographical and climate conditions.

The 11 countries that we will cross on foot will be: Italy, Albania, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan and China where once we cross the border we will arrive to Kashgar, the gate to the Taklamakan Desert and our destination point.
We emphasize values like courage and outpassing oneself.

Project goals

From Venice to China

From Venice to China

We walk two ancient commercial roads. the Via Ignatia and the Silk Road. We symbolically wish to transform them from commercial…

On foot and only on foot

On foot and only on foot

We consider walking the natural way of communication for men. We want to get back to Earth and our fellows. Slow march inspires…



We walk about 7,000 km over two years and 11 countries crossing over (almost) all types of reliefs and climates. We remind…